Monday, June 29, 2015

LGBT what?

In light of the Supreme Court's decision to legitimize homosexual intercourse the following article is submitted to address some concerns with the entire LGBT approach to life.

The following article is intended for a Christian audience only. It is written in straight forward language that doesn't mince words or seek political correctness. If you are not a believer in Christ the following article will likely infuriate you. Consider yourself warned!...

L - living with a confused identity due to not seeing herself in Christ.
G - living with a deep-set sadness that nothing but Christ alone can resolve.
B - living with a double mindedness resulting in severe instability.
T - living with a need for "trans"formation through the regenerating work of Christ.

We are living in a day where some people have lost so much personal hope in life meaning that they are desperately seeking it in one of the most unhealthy of personal life choices imaginable, namely the Gay lifestyle and especially homosexual intercourse.

There is practically nothing more damaging to the human psyche, as created by Christ according to a very intricate blueprint, than to engage sexually with anyone of the same sex. It does more damage to brain function than just about anything else one can do. I can only account for this by acknowledging that the Grand Designer of the human psyche only designed the brain's blueprint to handle sex in the context of marriage and that with someone of the opposite sex. All forms of sexual expression outside this design messes with the brain's imprinting circuits that can cause permanent dysfunction in human relationships, to say nothing of the vulnerability to all kinds of diseases.

It has nothing to do with God hating the LGBT community. Nothing could be further than divine reality. God loves everyone, no matter how deviant their life choices. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am certain God, because of the work of Christ at the cross, looks mercifully, compassionately, and graciously towards those who choose to venture into the dangerous waters of same sex sexual relationships. After all, He better than anyone, knows just how devastating it will be to their human personality, and loving mankind as He does it has to stir the deepest of His concerns and sorrow for those who give in to these temptations.

Make no mistake about it, no one who ventures down the path of same sex intercourse will ever return to normal brain function again. It seems to permanently imprint circuits in the brain that will create more distress and confusion than just about any other life choice possible. The neurotransmitters of their brain establish synaptic connections that become permanent tissue imprintings. Sinful behavior doesn't just create an ethereal cloud of confused thinking in the brain that can be blown out by logical or spiritual argumentation. The actual tissues of their brain have information logged on to them that only change when sufficient truth that is embraced consistently confronts the errors previously believed. Then, and only then, will a person begin to experience a renewed ability to think clearly again. I believe only Jesus can affect such a transformational miracle in the tissues of the brain.

What amazes me most is how effective the devil has been at getting non-Gays to buy into the notion that Tolerance for such a destructive lifestyle is a "good" thing. Your average liberal thinking unbeliever will blindly think they are just being compassionate towards the Gays to support their deviant lifestyle, while thinking they themselves would be horrible and judgmental if they rejected it. They can't even begin to comprehend they are signing their close friend's death certificate when they vote to support Gay agenda.

Here's another way of looking at how wrong the Gay movement is. Man was designed most especially to experience spiritual intimacy with God. Anyone who emphasizes sexual intimacy over spiritual intimacy proves they've gone astray. Now compound that by pursuing sexual deviant intimacy and now you are not only off have wandered into a barren and destructive wasteland. We were designed for One Lover...Jesus Christ. The marriages we experience on earth will either enhance and train us for our eternal marriage to Him or they will distract us from that and detract from it. A strong human marriage should daily increase the affection and appreciation we have for Him. If it doesn't then we are worshiping our mate more than Him. Why does the Lord most oppose homosexual love? Because we were first and foremost designed for intimacy with someone entirely "other" than ourselves. To a man a woman is entirely other than himself. To a woman a man is entirely other than herself. To a human Jesus is entirely other, unique, amazing, and awesome. Homosexuality emphasizes "sameness"..."same sex relationships" rather than "other sex relationships." We weren't made for "same sex" we were made for "other spiritual intimacy." The bible defines our marriage to Him in terms of bride to bridegroom, not bride to bride or groom to groom. All mankind is viewed as a woman and He is portrayed as the ultimate man. The principle of "other" is at the core of what marriage is all about. He is entirely other, more special, more wonderful, more unique, separate, holy, transcendent and heavenly. The devil knows that if he can get mankind to either accept homosexuality or engage in homosexuality he has effectively cut them off from intimacy with God. You will never find a Gay person who would define his or her relationship with Jesus Christ as the most important relationship they have. They will never describe the meaning of their life as first and foremost being about Jesus, loving Jesus, knowing Jesus, walking intimately with Him, walking pure before Him, inviting Him to search the deepest parts of them for even the slightest impurity that could distract them from Him. This would never be their life focus because they know they have embraced the deepest of life's impurities when they engaged in homosexual behavior. This is the greatest tragedy of the Gay essentially cuts them off from truly knowing intimacy with the Heavenly One. Nothing could be worse for any human being. Spiritual intimacy with God is possible for these but only via deep repentance.

One of the most clear evidences of the permanent damage this behavior creates, in some - not all Gays, is the loss of ability to think logically and rationally about those who reject these lifestyles. Currently in our culture there is a huge discussion of whether a Christian cake maker or caterer should have to provide their services for a marriage ceremony that promotes a Gay lifestyle...their involvement ending up being a tacit support of something that is destructive to the couple engaging in such behavior. To be supportive of such a destructive choice would virtually force the business owner to support a destruction they would never want to see take place. Their decision should only be based on compassion and never on condemnation. What the caterer or the cake maker should in essence being saying, by their refusal to assist is "Look, I'm unwilling to help you destroy yourself, any more than I would help you commit suicide or any other destructive life choice." Those involved in Gay life don't realize it but their behavior often renders them virtually incapable of understanding the concerns of Christians and the Lord Himself.

We are never going to win the war of changing our culture by refusing to help those who are already engaging in this lifestyle, but at least we won't be contributing towards their further self destructive behavior. The only thing that will turn the tide of these things is the redemptive conversion and regeneration of the lost. In most cases this will be best accomplished in those who have not permanently damaged their psyches by involvement in Gay life but even in the case of the Gay their ONLY hope for some form of restored normal thinking would come through salvation.

Sooo, don't expect the Gay community to understand the Christian position on refusal to provide tacit approval to their lifestyle through catering their weddings or providing cakes for their weddings. In many instances they just aren't going to get it. Their brains have been permanently altered in such a way that they won't be able to get it. They will just hate you for your position and there won't be anything you can do about that hatred. It is a pure blind rage. You can't reason with them, you need not try to explain your position. Just expect they will hate you and move on to the real issue - their need for salvation in Christ. Fortunately such insane hatred doesn't characterize all Gay people, but in some cases it does and with those we expect harsh denunciation. And, one more comment here...if you are a follower of Christ you MUST not buy into the whole "Tolerance" thing.The worst thing you can do for the Gays is to support their delusion. If you love people and especially if you love Gay people you absolutely have to hold a compassionate biblical view of their unbiblical behavior and communicate that you will not support the Gay agenda in any form but you also will never hate Gay people.

We are not seeing a genuine "human rights" issue in the Gay movement. We are seeing the enemy of man's soul creating a smoke screen of delusion in world cultures towards convincing people to support an approach to life that is absolutely destructive to them and world culture. Their cries for human rights is not equal to "women's rights,"or "black's rights." Those were genuine rights that were being violated. Those rights issues are as different as night and day. No one is born needing homosexual sexual behavior. There may be a genetic predisposition towards a homosexual orientation (we will never know this for certain from a pure biological basis) but having an orientation does not necessitate an active sexualization of that orientation. It is the sexualization that creates the personal destruction to the one engaging, not the orientation. There is no necessity on any world culture to create an entirely new human tax and benefits classification for those who have an orientation towards the same sex. There could be all kinds of reasons why two women may prefer deep friendship with each other rather than with men, and so also for two men, but to say that this requires culture to codify such affinity with tax and other social benefits is to go way too far towards accepting the sexualization of such orientations.

On a political level it is very important to put pressure on your elected officials to stop providing additional legal support for their destructive behaviors. Once again, don't anticipate they will do anything else but vilify anyone who does this. Mike Pense of Indiana is just a recent case. He's simply attempting to help believers not be forced into business activities that would violate their bible based consciences. Of course the Gays will hate this. Our officials just have to stand their ground and refuse to cave into their illogical behavior. Liberalism is a mental disorder. It is the logical outcome of rejecting divine standards for life and is especially the logical outcome for those engaging in mind altering practices like Gay sexual behavior. There is no other reasonable explanation for liberal thinking. You simply cannot reject God's ways and expect that nothing adverse will come of it in your psyche. It ruins a person. They begin to lose all ability to comprehend or accept biblical standards for life. The Bible explains it very simply: THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH.

What death is it talking about as relates to the Gay lifestyle? I submit it is probably death on all kinds of levels:
- Emotional death
- Psychological death
- Relational death
- Physical death
- Rational thinking death
- Spiritual death

Look, we are not primarily battling with human beings. We are battling with forces of darkness that hate these people. We don't hate them. We love them! We look on them with ultimate compassion. They have either wittingly or unwittingly practiced behaviors that have royally messed with their heads. They are locked in to messed up thinking because of it. It breaks my heart to see it, but it doesn't cause me to want my legislators to enact laws that further bind them to their self destructive practices, or help our culture move towards practices that will enslave the nation. If legislators don't stand up to it and if corporations who fear loss of patronage don't stand up to it our culture is going to completely collapse on itself just as the Roman empire did. We're likely not very far from it. The exponential growth of moral depravity is moving so rapidly that one wonders if our country can survive even one more generation of it.

Daily we need to be praying for the greatest revival the world has ever seen. Nothing short of this will save this country and nothing short of this will deliver those bound in homosexual sin.

May God send us revival...

Your brother in the journey...
Tom Sparks

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